Mazes improve the cognitive skills in children. They work like brain boosting exercises. While solving them, children think, reason, sharpen their memories, build their focus and...
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School councils of coexistence: how do they work and what strong and positive aspects do they have?
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For us, for you, for them... For educational spaces towards a more comprehensive and respectful Education. Comprehensive Sexuality Education is about expressing our feelings, affection, values, roles and much more...
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Interculturality: the importance of memory and the past. A valuable lesson from the original/native communities!
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Are all families around the world the same? Are families organized in the same way in different cultures? What do they have in common and how are they different?
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Did you know we can have access to packs of data beyond words? The cetacean codes help us to do so.
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What do these words have in common: seeds, games around the world, maths, a story, nature, science, a magnifying glass...?
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From a story book to circus skills in a classroom or small place with children! How can that be possible?
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