#05/20 Teacher training, PEI and Classroom Planning in these times – Argentina

In Chapter 4 of the book CurriVIDA (Curricula 4LIFE), Patricia Vieyra focuses on two fundamental aspects to carry out transformative teacher training for those students who are starting out in the wonderful world of education:
– To recognise their biographical Self in order to identify the aspects they should unlearn;
– To build an integral and loving view of their role as educators and of that of their Learning Communities to come.

In Chapter 5 “How to make a comprehensive and fun IEP (Institutional Educational Project)” another look at the IEP is presented. The rationale behind IEPs is to be the gateway to school life, as simple and wonderful as that. Life that is updated, revitalised, grows and advances every day. The IEP allows us to look inwards and outwards from the institution and it transforms us into a Learning Community. A life can be fun, holistic, reflective, colourful, responsive and exciting. It is up to us and, in the IEP, we put it into words.

Finally, in Chapter 6 “How to do  Classroom Planning in this transition period” Patricia Vieyra states that “Planning is our friend”. Sometimes, planning functions as a formal requirement. In this sense, it is reduced to a mere bureaucratic instrument, and it is stripped of its primary function, which is to be an organising guide.
Perhaps we can start by remembering that it is a tool that should be useful and practical. It points out a process, a path to follow, sometimes in one day, sometimes throughout the year. It allows us to organise our pedagogical practices flexibly, articulating the purposes, the set of contents, activities, methodological strategies, didactic resources and evaluation. When planning, we reflect on how we teach and how our students learn. Reflecting, in this sense, opens multiple questions that will fluently and coherently guide the learning tasks that we will propose to the students…

We invite you to read these chapters of the book CurriVIDA and many others!

The book CurriVIDA (Spanish version) can be found on

Learn more about this wonderful educational journey by tapping or clicking this video tool!

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