“PI Pequena Ilha – A 7 Petal Space” is a project by the Pedagooogia 3000 / Educatiooon 3000 Association Portugal, operating since November 2019 on the island of Madeira, Portugal.
Every day, without fail, they contemplate the miracle that is life flowing and they co-create a reality that fulfils them, that makes them happy, that reflects who we are and who we want to be. They have few rules, just enough to ensure respect for every Human Being, starting with respect for oneself, for others, for the environment, for our home, for our planet… Most days are spent outdoors, in the backyard, where there is a tree house, a slide, swings, a mini climbing wall and lots of earth. When days are hot, they invite hose baths, one of the community’s favourite activity!
The children, now aged between 15 months and 8 years, can use the space between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. every day of the week. There is no separation of ages, what separates or unites them are the interests of the moment. That is why they see children of various age groups, girls and boys, playing together.
At “PI Pequeña Isla” they choose not to have a predetermined curriculum because they believe that one’s own life and personal experiences invite the discovery of intrinsic motivations, interests, needs and gifts, the curriculum is personal, unique, and exclusive. Thus, learning is spontaneous, it happens all the time and it is very personal.
Being aware that the physical space of “PI Pequeña Isla” has its limitations, taking into account the 7 Petal Proposal that inspires and motivates them, with its 7 areas of human development, with a view to an Integral and balanced Education, they have developed an Annual Curriculum that has as reference in some of the topics that, in general, are the children’s interests, and others that are part of the official curriculum in Portugal and that, ultimately, they are topics that life itself will expose them to. In this way, they can increase the number and quality of the experiences they can have.
However, all the proposed activities they present to the children are optional. The Plan is flexible, constantly changing, transforming and adapting to children’s needs and interests.
More information about them can be found in the book CurriVIDA (Spanish version) on https://p40005000.info/libros-4000-5000/
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