“Pluri-Education: We are one in diversity” is a proposal for children and/or adolescents with the Autistic Spectrum and other syndromes offering a holistic-therapeutic-educational approach in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
They have already spent twenty years accompanying children and young people in different institutions with their families and their lives. They feel they are facing a paradigm shift or an evolutionary leap. That is why this project proposes to create a place for the development of the characteristics of children and adolescents of today.
Looking for a word and opening their hearts, that light told them: “Pluri-Education” where we are all Special, accepting ourselves as human diversity. Therefore, this way of feeling leaves aside any labels and offers us to take care of the virtues that we all bring, to sow them around us. Co-created words that come together: “Holistic therapeutic education” to position them at a permanent starting point… “to raise our consciousness, to be happy and to be for humanity”. More and more, we are deeply convinced that the characteristics offered by these new children are a new condition for humanity.
“Children with ASD and other syndromes posses some of these evolved characteristics that make us think that they need spaces with innovative educational programmes that stimulate all the Multiple Intelligences and that allow them to choose their subjects of interest. That gives them the opportunity to grow with love and choose their destinies, for each act of learning, within a conscious and creative education. In many cases, the aggressions or tantrums or unexpected behaviours that they manifest are due to the fact that they do not have ‘spaces that allow them to explore all their potentials and that this contained energy is diverted towards violence'”. (Bárbara Madrid, P3000).
Pluri-Education is nourished by these concepts:
– To stimulate holistic learning in children, integrating all human areas;
– To develop autonomous beings, creating healthy environments;
– To accompany them with responsibility and awareness;
– By strengthening their talents, and their self-esteem, among others;
– To get to know and develop the culture of their social environment;
– By offering spaces in Nature and building with renewable energies, and
– To generate for their adulthood, possible job opportunities.
They take as the basis “The 7 Petal School for Peace” (Educatiooon 3000 / Pedagooogy 3000) which is organised around 7 areas to develop a harmonious and full Human Being, wishing to build on this basis a Society based on the 13 Pillars.
More information about them can be found in the book CurriVIDA (Spanish version) on https://p40005000.info/libros-4000-5000/
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