We are facing a critical moment of profound transformations, of the crumbling of schemes and systems. And, at the same time, we are witnessing the emergence of paradigms that represent the prelude to a new wave of human existence.
We realise it is urgent to do things differently, to make our schemes and structures more flexible in order to embrace all the alternatives that promote Peace, oriented towards making constructive, supportive and fraternal ways of life with ourselves, with those around us and with Nature.
At present, proposals that educate for peace provide us with a variety of strategies, support and tools to address and transform difficult situations of conflict and violence (direct, cultural and structural), addressing not only the root causes that give rise to them, but also the subjective causes that keep people tied to cycles of hatred, resentment and desires for revenge, blocking the possibilities for more harmonious futures. If these causes are not addressed, violence will continue to manifest itself, distancing us from long-term sustainable peace.
In the field of education, Pedagooogia 3000 / Educatiooon 3000 offers us a wide range of pedagogical possibilities that educate for peace and provides certainty in the face of the current uncertainty about the continuity of the educational system that has prevailed in schools for centuries. Education is the path of human action that has the possibility of reconnecting or strengthening the link with the Being of peace that we are, with our most sublime virtues, with our capacity to think, feel, speak and act in terms of peace, as well as to attend comprehensively to the dimensions that shape us as human beings.
I make a sincere invitation to read between lines what these times of transformation are giving to us, moving away from fatalism to connect with the mission that each one of us has and that for a reason we have had to live in this time and space, recognising that it is a wonderful opportunity to connect with a purpose that is not only beyond ourselves, but even beyond all of humanity: the reconnection with ALL.
More information about this topic can be found in the book CurriVIDA (Spanish version) on https://p40005000.info/libros-4000-5000/
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