#20/20 Socio-Multi-Education and the 13 Pillar Society

Socio-Multi-Education and the 13 Pillar Society

No doubt the scope of Education emerging after 2020 is widening and these three aspects of new Education are renewed, transformed and expanded: the contents, the pedagogy itself and the purpose of Education.

The field of action of the Education that we propose must be expanded to everyone. It is about bringing awareness, new knowledge and new paradigms of living together in Peace (which includes inner peace, peace with others and peace with Nature), to all humanity, to all ages, to all social classes.

This new twist of this mass, social and cultural education leads to the creation of what we call Socio-Multi-Education or SME. In this way, Socio-Multi-Education proposes to massively empower the population with updated information, based on new paradigms of Solidarity and Peace.

Socio-Multi-Education thus wishes to co-create a multicultural, transdisciplinary, multifaceted, integral, active, productive, playful-creative and flexible pedagogical “culture”. It is designed to make our personal lives a constant process of learning, about giving and receiving (it is called Circular Education); as well as, growth and self-care, both personal and for society, accompanied by a deep awareness of environmental protection.

SME welcomes both High and Low Technology, without excluding one from the other, on the contrary, and it develops awareness of both social and ecological impact in all the actions we undertake as well as ethics.

SME plans mass awareness programmes using all possible media, co-creating solidarity alliance networks, and fun, creative, pedagogical and artistic communication supports. It is visible in the Neighbourhood School which includes social and environmental proposals, productive activities and neighbourhood or community inclusion programmes. SME supports children and families in high-risk areas, such as areas of violence, war and post-war zones, natural disasters, refugee camps, etc.

The goal of SME is the 13 Pillar Society which could correspond to 13 renewed and re-evolved ministries that help their country or region with ethics, wisdom and awareness for the next step in our history, for a society of Solidarity and Peace. We will call it, for the time being, the transition of humanity to “Homo Sapiens Superior”, which in turn, by the law of evolution, would give way to the next Homo, whatever we call it…

The invitation is to be part of it, to be the co-constructors of our destiny and to be the co-creators of the world we wish for our descendants and our beloved Planet.

Will you join us?… Let’s co-create together!

More information can be found in the book CurriVIDA (Spanish version) on https://p40005000.info/libros-4000-5000/

Learn more about this wonderful socio-multi-educational proposal by tapping or clicking the video tool!

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